Prima conferenza internazionale dei geografi anarchici
Cari compagni,
l’anno prossimo si terrà a Massenzatico la prima conferenza internazionale dei geografi anarchici. Incollo per il momento il call for papers ufficiale: nuovi materiali completi di traduzione italiana compariranno sul sito
Federico Ferretti
«1st International Conference of Anarchist Geographies and Geographers (ICAGG 2017) – Geography, social change and antiauthoritarian practices
Reggio Emilia (Italy) - Centro Studi Cucine del Popolo, via Beethoven 78/e, 21-23 September 2017
(…) In light of the flourishing of anarchist geographies, we propose to organize an independent international conference, to be repeated in different countries every 2 or 3 years, to create a space for scholars and militants interested in these topics (…). We invite especially, but not exclusively, critical anarchic geographical contributions on:
* What are anarchist geographies and what are their tasks?
* Which relations between anarchism and the most current critical/theoretical approaches used in geographical scholarship, i.e. postmodernism and post-structuralism, critical modernities, post-colonialism, more-than-human geographies, actor-network theory, non-representational theories, feminism, gender and queer theories, Marxism, critical race theory, intersectionnality, qualitative and quantitative methods etc.?
* Problematizing the relations between anarchism, rationalism, Enlightenment and modernity.
* Anarchist geographies and counter-cartography. Maps and spaces of liberation.
* Anarchist geographies and Indigenous movements.
* Anarchism and the environment: mesology, natural philosophies and the idea of progress.
* Anarchist geographies in practice: experiences from grassroots movements, local and international struggles, histories and geographies of resistance.
* Anti-statist, post-statist and not statist geographies: anarchism and the idea of territory.
* Anarchism, federalism and the concept of geographical scale: cities, regions and the global.
* Anti-racist, anti-colonial and internationalist geographies.
* Anarchist geographies, cosmopolitanism and multilingualism: which challenges to nationalist and parochial academies?
* Anarchism and geographies of war and peace.
* Anarchism and geographies of violence and non-violence.
* Anarchist geographies of education and deschooling.
* Geographies of secularisation and free-thinking.
* Anarchist geopolitics.
* Historical geographies of anarchism.
* Anarchist geographies and geographers in the history and philosophy of geography.
* Historical figures of anarchist geographers and their interdisciplinary connections: histories of transnational anarchism, anarchist anthropologies, political theory and political philosophy.
To attend the conference, please send an abstract of maximum 250 words at the address scientific_committee by February 1st 2017. The preferred conference’s language is English (…). Further information will be provided by e-mail and through the site
Practical information: for information on travel, accommodation and any other practical query (need for childcare, dietary requirements etc.), please write to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.»